giving honor to whom honor is due.

DeKalb Military Tribute Banner Program
Honoring our residents’ beloved Veterans, Active-Duty, Reserve, and National Guard members with these beautiful military banners displayed in our community. This is our way of saying "Thank You" to the brave men and women of our great United States military.

Beautiful Full-Color Banner Honoring Your Hero
Attractive 24"x48" Patriotic Design
Honoree's Photo & Basic Military Information Displayed
Family Name Printed on Banner
(No business or organizational names allowed.)
March through Veterans Day
(Exact dates subject to change without notification.)
Banners will be proudly displayed along Main Street, Veterans Street & Hopper Avenue & Bell Street.
Sponsorship Rate
per sponsored banner
You may pay by check made payable to:
Kemper County Economic Development Authority
P.O. Box 280 • DeKalb, MS 39328
Banners will be stored for future display periods until such time that they need to be retired due to condition.
There is a limit of 40 banners that can be displayed so ensure your hero's spot by submitting your order today.
For additional details, please contact:
(60) 743-2754 • louannwilsonkceda@kempercountyms.gov
Honoring our military heroes throughout communities nationwide.