giving honor to whom honor is due.

Village of Bloomfield, New York Military Tribute Banner Program
Honoring our residents’ beloved Veterans, Active-Duty, Reserve, and National Guard members with these beautiful military banners displayed throughout our community. This is our way of saying "Thank You" to the brave men and women of our great United States military.

Beautiful Full-Color Banner Honoring Your Hero
Attractive 24"x48" Patriotic Design
Honoree's Photo & Basic Military Information Displayed
Memorial Day through Veterans Day 2024
(Exact dates subject to change without notification.)
Banners will be displayed along the main thoroughfares in Bloomfield, New York.
You may donate by check made payable to:
P.O. Box 385 • Bloomfield, NY 14469
or by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.
We are asking the Bloomfield Community to sponsor this program honoring the Veterans of this community with donations to cover the banner costs. The cost to honor each veteran is approximately $100 and we are hoping to honor 150 veterans from our town.
50 Veterans will be honored the first year, and then a new group will be displayed every year thereafter until all of our veterans have been remembered.
Once all of our veterans have been honored, the banners will be redisplayed each year until such time that they need to be retired due to condition.
For additional details, please contact:
ROBERT KNOPF • (585) 281-3417 • robertknopf@yahoo.com
MIKE BARTLE • mbartle@rochester.rr.com
Honoring our military heroes throughout communities nationwide.